Saturday, February 20, 2010

Group Work

When working in a group there must be a certain level of trust and a strong relationship in order for things to work out smoothly, if not then things can get a little difficult. In our small book, The Essential Guide To Group Communication organizational realtionships are discussed and realtionships you that may need to be established at one point or another in to have good and orginized realtionships with important people.The relationships mentioned in the book are 1.relationship between superiors and subordinates 2. relationship between team leaders and team members 3. relationships between orginizational departments. I believe that all of these relationships are extremley important to have, because not only will it help you out when trying to communicate but it will also help you in all aspects of life because communication is the key.So next time you are in a possition where communication is the key just refer to these rules and you will be good:)

Friday, February 19, 2010

Does this appeal to your emotion?

Does this Appeal to your emotion???

The fallacy I choose to talk about is Appeal to emotion.Now this is not the first time that I have herd about this fallacy but it is defiantly one I have to read and re-read. in the book it says
  • Appeal to emotion: You should believe or do (blank) because you feel (blank). (This is always bad if the conclusion is a descriptive claim)
This is a little vague, so I did a little extra research and the description of appeal to emotion is, a fallacy following this structure:
  1. Favorable emotions are associated with X.
  2. Therefore X is true..
My example is this:
Our new car will make you feel so good when you see how much gas we have saved. Saving money and looking good is the right thing for you!

This is appealing to the emotion of the person who has just bought themselves a new car, so according to the text this would be bad because it is a descriptive claim.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Structure of Arguments

Exercise:The Structure of Arguments

#1: My neighbor should be forced to get rid of all the cars in his yard.1 People do not like living next door to such a mess.2 He never drives any of them.3 They all look old and beat up and leak oil all over the place. 4It is bad for the neighborhood, and it will decrease property values. 5

Argument? Yes there is a argument
Conclusion: It is bad for the neighborhood, and it will decrease property values.
Additional Premises needed? If the car is a collectors item and he is keeping it there must a reason why he is keeping it around. (a) How does this person know that his cars bother the other neighbors?(b)
Identify any sub arguments:1,2,3, and 4 are independent and all support 5.
Good Argument? Yes, this is a good argument, it could be stronger but it is good.

Overall I do believe that this exercise was helpful. It really encouraged me to take my time and look at the details of the sentence like if it had any additional premises . I understand the concept much more now.

Friday, February 12, 2010


Hello everyone,

In the spirit of Comm class and our latest assignment I decided that I would talk about leadership. Leadership is a very important quality to have.In our small book, The Essentialuide To Goup Communication, it is said that leadership can be defined as the exercise of inter personal influences toward the attainment of goals. Then it goes on to say that Leadership is conected to two main key terms-direction and influence.The book gives two definitions:
-"Interpersonal influences, exercised in a situation, and directed, through the communication process, toward the attainment of a specific goal or goals."
-"An intercation between persons which onpresents infermation of a sort and in such a manner that the other becomes convinced that his [or her] outcomes...will be improved if he [or she] behaves in the manner suggested or desired."

I personally believe that the leader is the most important role in a group because they get everyone going.In my group for our project we have a very good leader, she was the first to contact all of our group members and she continues to keep in touch with all of us as well as keep us on track.Quite often I find myself very thankful for a strong leader like her because they are the people who kick all our butts into shape.Thank you leaders!

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Testing a Argument

There are three rules that must be passed in order for a argument to be good:
1. The premises are plausible
2.The premises are more plausible than the conclusion
3.The argumet is valid or strong

Example argument:
I think Hondas are the best cars to save gas in.My family thinks hondas are the best cars to save gas in.Everyone I know thinks that hondas are the best cars to save gas in.

Question #1:Is the premises plausible?
The premise is true, I believe that hondas are the best car to save gas in, and my family also believes that hondas are the best cars to conserve gas in. The premise is more plausible than the conclusion because it is impossible for everyone to believe that hondas are the best car to believe in, some believe that toyotas are the best.It is impossible because not everyone has driven a honda to experience how good they are on gas.

Question#2:Is the premises are more plausible than the conclusion?
The premises is more plausible than the conclusion, because it is impossible for everyone I know to believe that hondas are the most efficent gas saver.Unless everyone I knew went out and test drove a honda for a few days they really would not have the knowledge to agree with my family ane I.

Question #3:Is the argumet is valid or strong?
No my argument is not strong. Since it is impossible for everyone I know to have driven a honda and tested the gas mileage it would be incorrect of me to say that everyone thinks that hondas are the best gas savers.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Strong Vs Valid

Have you ever argued and wondered if your argument was stong or even valid? In a strong argument the premise and the conclusion are both false. So to put this in simpler terms you have a stong argument if the argument is false as well as the conclusion. A valid argument is one that has no possilble chance for the premise to be true and the conclusion be false at the same time. No every good argument is valid and not ever strong argument is good.

An example of a Valid argument:
There is a store at the mall that is haveing a 75% off sale this weekend. Therefore all things that you buy on sell will be 75% off.

An example of a Strong argument:
I has a head ache today.The reason for my head ache is because I did not eat anything for lunch.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Group Roles

As I was reading through The Essential Guide To Group Communication, a part of the reading that really caught my interst was the Types of Group Roles. In this section it talks about task roles that each member of the group has to tke responsibility for in order for the group to run smoothly.The first of the roles would be the Information giver; this person has the job of offering facts and information that is important for people to know and grasp about the subject. Next there is the information seeker. The information seeker gathers important data relevant to there subject from extended sources,makes sure that there points are clear, and asks for any other information from other sources, and takes into consideration all posibble opitions. The next job is the elaberrator.The elaborator further clarifyes points and sometimes restates fact and other information that other people have already said. There is also the Initiator, this person is the one who is responsible for getting the group motivated in conversation .They offer suggestions, provide further information that may be helpfull and all aroung initiatimg conversation and thought in the group. Last but not least is the Admnistrator who is what I would consider as the "Boss" of the group.They are responsible for keeping all group members on track and making sure that all are using there time efficiently.
This section was important to me because I feel that this is a essential guide to a sucessful group.I remeber that I followed this guide in a class I had in high school and for the most part is was every succesful.Everyone being on the same page is a important part if group work and I only hope that we can all work well together in our group assignments.:)

Friday, February 5, 2010

Vauge or Ambiguous

A vauge sentence is one that dose not offer enough detail while a ambiguous sentence is one that can mean more than one thing. Often times when I talk to my mom she uses vauge sentences. a perfect example of this is when she says "I'm hungry,get me something good to eat." So i knoe that shes hungry and wants something "good" but that can be anything in my opinion.
An example of a ambiguos sentence would be this, I texted my boyfriend the other day and told him I got a ticket.However I failed to explain what kind of ticket I had gotten so he assumed that iI got a speeding ticket or something when infact it was a parking ticket at SJSU for ten dollars!Bummer.Me not specifiying led him to think it could have been a number of things.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Subjective and Objective Claims

After reading the book and discussing the concept of Subjective and Objective claims with my mother I have a better understanding for what they truley mean. I am going to use a example to help explain better how I see it. I have a brand new three month old daughter, and I truley believe that she is the most beautiful little person in the world.When I hold her I just can not picture any other child as beautiful as my daughter.When I show her to my friends boyfriend he lookes at her and dosent say anything,he thinks she is just an average newborn baby.When he gets home he tells his girlfriend he dosnt think that my baby was anything special.
The subjective part of this claim would be my thought that my daughter is the most beautiful baby in the world.My thoughts that my daughter is more beautiful than other babys is a biased claim and it either true or false beased on my own opinion.
The objective claim would be the boyfriends thought that the baby is nothing special.This is objective because it is neither true or false, and weather or not it is true of false dose not depend on what anyone else thinks.